


'People might need a break from me' Taylor Swift hints at hiatus after 1989 world tour


Me and Kanye are on such good terms now, six years later. It took a while...But I  had to tell Beck this story earlier. I was at dinner with Kanye a week after the Grammys, he stops what he's saying and he goes, 'What is this song? I need to listen to this everyday.' I said, 'It's Beck, it's on an album called 'Morning Phase', I think you've heard of it...' We just brust out laughing. And he says, 'Hey, sometimes I'm wrong.

——Taylor Swift about Kanye West

I think I should take some time off. I think people might need a break from me. I'm going to. I don't know. Hang out with my friends. Write new music. 

——Taylor Swift on her future after the 1989 world tour ends

Maybe not write new music. I don't know. I'm in the news every single day for multiple different reasons. And it can feel, at times, if you let your anxiety get the better of you, like everybody's waiting for you to really mess up - and then you'll be done.

——Taylor Swift on how she handles anxiety.

I don't want to talk about it. But I send text messages now. If there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, I go to someone's management, I get their number and I text them. It's an important lesson for anyone to learn in 2015.

——Taylor Swift on the Nicki Minaj "fued"

Nooooooo. How could the next one be as big? Maybe the next album will be a bridge to somewhere else. Or maybe I'll just go ahead and change everything.

——Taylor Swift on if the thought of topping 1989 scares her

It's not about trying to be perfect. Not to try and sound like the good witch in The Wizard Of Oz or something, but I really do want to do good things with what I have, and that's it.

——Taylor Swift on being labeled "the good girl in pop"

10年,都应该停一停谂一谂,係之前嘅访问佢都已经透露过咁嘅谂法,就差实行了。1989era大爆,佢随便做件小事都可以上头条,出个街都畀记者围个水泄不通,估计都觉得有点攰了。抖一抖,陪下屋企人去下旅游约下基友,或者好似之前讲嘅去读书,take a break点睇都唔系坏事,虽然咁样代表住新专辑要coming soon(。˘•ε•˘。)但最紧要佢开心。更何况,哩个人从来都知道自己想要咩、想做咩,亦都有能力去掌握自己嘅生活,又有妈咪看住佢,所以基本唔使担心。况且佢话写歌係佢生活嘅一部分,休息唔代表唔写歌,畀佢放个假,话唔定下张专辑更加好呢😌
any way 等你(ง •̀_•́)ง

